Aloha to our Ohana
Things are soggy here on the Big Island. Hurricane Ana is leaving us with plenty of rain but no real damage and we are all grateful for that. However, Ana did cause our Saturday (and maybe Sunday's) Farmers Market to be cancelled, so we thought we would bring the Farmer's Market and Farm Market pricing to you! 30% off your entire order on our website - just enter the code ANA at checkout and your total will be adjusted to give you your discount. This might be a good time to stock up for the Holidays.
One of the challenges a small business faces is packaging. It is doubly so when you live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Our supplier has just raised the minimum order on one of our jars to 25,000 pieces. That's a lot of body polish! The result is that you will see some changes in our packaging - lined Kraft envelopes for our scrubs to start. It means larger sizes for the same price, a better value for you, and greater sustainability. I'm calling it "a win."
I created a Pinterest account when I was rebuilding the website so I could test our photos. Well, Karen has recently discovered that Luana Naturals has a Pinterest Board and she has been filling it with all sorts of useful information, photos from the farm, and other Pins that inspire her creativity. Stop on by and take a peek. She would love it if you would "Re-Pin."
In a couple of weeks, watch your email for our November Newsletter and see what Karen has planned for the Holidays. Can you believe they are almost here?
Mahalo for supporting my family and farm.
All my best,