Every drop of our pure perfume oil is created by hand with a little bit of the island and our farm included.
I have a secret. When I began making farm-fresh skin care products, I wasn’t sure that anyone would want to purchase them. I was a bit scared to put them out on the table, unsure of the feedback I would receive. After all, my body products are my works of art and I was about to be juried at our local farmers market. I thought, “Is what I have made special enough?” The answer is yes. There is beauty and appreciation in everything handmade.
With so many products coming from abroad, we can forget the time, care, and thoughtfulness that an individually created item encompasses. In fact, handcrafted is becoming a lost art. Quality and uniqueness is being set aside for mass production. We forget that when someone makes something by hand, they are infusing themselves into the product. Something that can be felt and appreciated. When you run a bar of handmade soap across your body, you feel the difference. Besides the quality of ingredients, you pause to consider all the steps that went into the process of its creation. Having made soap, this is no small feat and worth every penny.
Another reason handcrafted items are beautiful is the relationship that develops between the producer and consumer. When you choose to purchase something that is artisan made, you become a part of their ‘ohana as we say in Hawaii. Think about it. How often do you have direct contact with the person who made with their own hands that product you purchased? You don’t feel that connection when shopping at a drugstore for your face wash or a grocery store for a jar of jam. Over the past six years, it is those connections that are the best part of my experience as an artisan, farmer, and entrepreneur.
As to the beauty of something handmade . . . it doesn’t get any better than that.